Code of Ethics

We value and care for our relationship with other organizations, our suppliers and employees, the academic community, our clients, and society as a whole. These relations are based on trust, respect and honesty, and hence they are solid and long-lasting.

Our code of ethics underpins the fulfillment of these premises, which are present in each and every decision and action we make. Below are some of the key commitments in this code:

  • Honesty in our communications


    We intend that our institutional communication, marketing campaigns and advertising pieces are:

    • Accurate, complete and not misleading.

    • Impartial and scientifically strict.

    • Performed in compliance with the applicable legal and regulatory standards.

  • Relations with our employees


    Our personal and professional relationships are marked by respect, appreciation of individual differences, and the diversity of opinions they bring to the work environment. We promote tolerance and cordiality to ensure a professional environment free from abusive or offensive conducts based on gender, race, age, disability, religion or sexual orientation.

  • Relations with our business partners


    We believe that honesty is a fundamental value, so we do not establish relationships of any kind with natural or legal persons in connection with illegal activities, or that violate environmental, labor, security or anticorruption laws. Our agreements with third parties comply not only with our ethics policy, but also with the applicable laws and regulations.

  • Relations with our competitors


    We respect and promote fair competition. Therefore, we do not accept the use of illegal or unethical means to collect information.

    Also, we refrain from making agreements that in any way affect customers and consumers, such as price fixing or monopolizing a market segment.

  • Our relations with governmental and other entities


    In line with our principles of transparency and righteousness, all our activities are carried out according to the legal framework in force. This includes our dealings with representatives of governmental entities. This premise is clearly specified in our Code of Conduct in order to avoid any attitude that could be interpreted as an attempt to influence the objectivity of such entities.

  • Our relations with the community and NGOs


    We know that public health is a challenge for the less favored segments of the population. To the extent of our possibilities, we strive to support local communities in the markets we are present, by promoting a positive impact on the quality of life of their animals. For this, we seek to address sponsorship and product donation requests from reputable non-governmental organizations that need resources, and are committed to their proper use.

  • Environmental protection


    By optimizing our processes and efficiently managing our resources, we try to minimize our waste, and avoid any adverse environmental effects that could be associated with the manufacture of our products.

    However, we are committed to providing quick and effective response in case of incidents that cause or may cause an environmental impact. In such cases, we expect to investigate them and take corrective measures as necessary.

  • Ethics in Research and Development


    In line with our mission of improving animal health and quality of life, the research and clinical studies under our guidance and responsibility are conducted in a humanitarian and ethical manner. We evaluate, with the highest possible level of detail, the impact of any clinical study on the animal subjects. Therefore, we plan each action carefully to minimize or avoid pain, suffering or discomfort; we care for their health and prioritize their well-being.