Dynamic homes: a cat’s haven

Learn how to transform your home into a cat-friendly place

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We love a change of scene and escaping our routine with small actions that make us feel different. If you are one of those who get bored easily and want to make some changes at home, this is what you should keep in mind before doing it if you already live with a cat.

Did you ever imagine that the environment can impact your cat? You could say that it is the key factor to satisfy all their needs, since it has been shown that a healthy home provides comfort and allows a cat to bond with the people they live with.

Know everything they love and what they prefer to avoid so that, when you make modifications, you can provide your cat with a safe space to play, have fun, and rest.

If you like green spaces and use plants as decoration, bear in mind that some are toxic to cats and should be avoided, such as lilies, Paraguayan jasmine, and tulips. It’s enough to replace them with those that they love and do not pose a risk to their health, such as catnip, mint and olive tree.

We like smelling something nice when we get home, but we must bear in mind that cats’ sensitive noses can feel threatened by persistent chemical scents, incense smoke and other citrus-scented products used around the house. Have you ever wondered what are cats’ favorite fragrances? They are attracted to some floral scents, such as lavender, or fruit scents like watermelon, melon and strawberry.

Just as we need different areas around the house to carry out our activities, cats need their own spaces to feed, rest, pee and poop. Here’s a convenient way to make it happen:

Feeding area: 

  • Choose the quietest place in the home so that they feel safe when feeding.
  • Feeders should allow for ration feeding and should be made of smooth materials to facilitate cleaning.
  • Cats are also somewhat picky, and they prefer their water bowl away from their feeder. Cats do not enjoy the scent of food while drinking water, and they may also be turned off by food particles in their water.

Resting area: 

  • It should be a quiet place so that they are not disturbed by noises. It would be good to observe their behavior when it comes to resting and identify their favorite spots to place their cat beds.
  • During the day, cats prefer to rest on platforms such as shelves and surfaces above the ground.
  • They should have hiding spots, like boxes and cabinets, to get into whenever they are afraid or need to hide if they feel stressed.
  • They love basking in the sun coming in from a window into the home. One way to improve these spaces can be by placing warm and fluffy fabrics so that they can comfortably enjoy a sunrise or a sunset. They prefer fabrics such as fleece or synthetic rugs with long hair, or you can give them a coat you no longer use.

Litter box space:

  • Choosing a place to put the litter box in is key. Many cats are shy and do not like to be watched while using their box. Choose a quiet area, away from the resting and feeding spaces.
  • As for size, it should be twice the size of said spaces so that the cat can turn around inside.
  • The recommendation is to have at least one box for each cat to avoid stress. The box should always be clean, because a dirty box will turn the cat off from using it, and this can impact their health.

Now that you know a little more about your cat’s needs and the tips to address them, you can see that simple modifications can transform a place into a cat-friendly environment. This time, go ahead and make a change that comforts both you and your cat, transforming your home into a comfortable, healthy space, with many corners to pamper your furry friend.

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