I applied Protech on my pet, but the fleas are still there…

Only 10% of the total flea population is found on our dog. We don’t see the remaining 90%, but they live in our home (floors, carpets, armchairs, beds etc.). Adult fleas are those that live on the animal, while juvenile or immature forms (eggs, larvae and pupae) live in the environment, and are the most […]

Only 10% of the total flea population is found on our dog. We don’t see the remaining 90%, but they live in our home (floors, carpets, armchairs, beds etc.). Adult fleas are those that live on the animal, while juvenile or immature forms (eggs, larvae and pupae) live in the environment, and are the most numerous. That’s why once flea infestation is underway in the home, it may take 4 to 6 months to fight them off.
Protech is recommended every 30 days for at least 4 consecutive months.
Should you have any questions, we recommend checking with your veterinarian.